Meta rules

healthcare epistemocrat

Check out my guest post to Brent Pottenger's blog, Healthcare Epistemocrat.

The post centers on meta rules and the ways I make my life more enjoyable.

Here's the link:

David Trejo's Meta Rules

Update: looks like the post went offline; I've reposted it below

As Brent may have mentioned before, meta-rules help you decide how you want to live your life, and help you make decisions about habits and the ways you comport yourself. In reality they are more like rules for rule making. Here are a few of mine. They are serve mostly to help me enjoy life.

Thank you for featuring me Brent, I appreciate it.

Have a good day everyone,


*PS I also find that some of my most natural writing comes out of these 750 words. I really enjoy how the words just flow.

David Trejo

Engineer at Chime & consultant. Past clients include Credit Karma, Aconex, Triplebyte, Neo, the Brown Computer Science Department, Voxer, Cloudera, and the Veteran's Benefits Administration.